TALES, a non-profit multimedia production company, embarked on a mission to engage directly with its audience of kids and teenagers aged 7 to 12, along with their guardians. With a focus on mythologies, decolonization, and ecologies, TALES aimed to develop an educational video game, World of Us, that not only entertained but also educated its players. By actively involving the target audience in the development process, TALES aimed to ensure that the game resonated with its intended audience and effectively conveyed its educational messages.
Rather than employing a top-down approach, our strategy centered on fostering direct participation and engagement. We aimed to co-create experiences with the target audience, emphasizing collaboration over mere gameplay. This involved building video games with children from underprivileged environments in Brazil, Congo, and Romania, and creating a series of online events with experts in education, indigenous leadership, artists and activists. Additionally, we created metaverse spaces to amplify the voices of local storytellers and showcase their cultural heritage.
Co-creative development benefits from both content expertise and an architectural approach to utilizing 3D environments for showcasing various media forms.