The most common interpretation of kinship is to indicate bond through blood: a family comes together for an important decision and feels kinship, solely by the presence of different generations in the same room. But kinship has other, more unexplored undertones, such as the sense of belonging: individuals bonding over hobbies, aesthetics, collectibles and even collective traumatic experiences, like surviving natural catastrophes and wars.
What do all these flavors of kinship have in common? There seems to be some kind of unspoken pact between people in these experiences, an implicit agreement through which the individual’s existence gains legitimacy through the presence of the other. By observing kinship relations, one can quickly see that these are based on a subtle compatibility that few other types of relationships have. Kinship is an affinity, an empathic potential that entails a tireless strength to activate belonging and togetherness.
If this silent alliance manifests collectively, there must lie a delicate spot in the individual’s core where kinship stems from, an emotional heart fearing isolation, fragile and fatal.
What if by attending to this delicate spot we could nurture and develop it, and thus leverage it for nourishing organizational cultures and building group resilience?
Kinship is a universal phenomenon that takes highly variable cultural forms. Anthropology as an academic discipline was itself defined by the idea of kinship. According to anthropologists, the importance of kinship in ancient societies largely resided in its role as an organizational framework for production and group decision making. In Ancient Society (1877), Lewis Henry Morgan attempted to link the evolution of kinship institutions to technological progress. In our technologically accelerated present, it is essential that we now apply these ideas to contemporary forms of organization rooted in the ancient idea of belonging yet compatible with times of exponential change.
Thus Newkinco has developed a process for cultivating kinship between your team members through trust-based work dynamics, a human-centered communication infrastructure, and purpose-driven collaboration techniques.
Our process consists of 4 steps through which we: